Here I am.. Been some while I never updating my blog... No doubt.. still the same old me... Lazy and lazy :p But I keep reading all the updates from friends. no worry... ^^ Lots of posting writing half way =.="
Start to have a busy monthsSsss ahead... Should be good I guess. Project, tender, dreams.. Not to talk about dreams... cause I always love day dreams :p
Lots of thing happened in this few week huh... Esp the Tsunami, quake, and nuclear radiation from Jap... I would says hope the God Blessing to the peoples out there. Hmm.. Friends staying in Jap are coming back to MY. This is what I feel pleased where there are safe at least, no matter is the radiation, quake etc..
Got to know all this form reporters and dailies, they very high in EQ and generous etc. I would says, if I were giving such situation, I might just sitting there. They are just being so helpful to each, generous, I would says you all have a very good mentality....
I wish there is no more coming quake, tsunami would hit the lovely Jap. More and more articles come out saying actually leakage of nuclear plant was predicted, but anyhow no action from the government, or nuclear testing under the sea which lead to the great tsunami and quake.. So, who is correct and wrong? Its not the time to blame, but to help up the peoples. I will be back Jap!!
Take care people and be strong!!!!