Saturday, July 20, 2013

Nepalese "momo"

The fried and steam Nepalese "momo" (in the middle is their sesame chillies sauce, best with the momo)
Close up of the Momo, looks tempting right? Slurpp..

Am not a person that like Chinese steam dumpling, nor Japanese gyoza. But I love this Nepalese styles dumpling, it name "MOMO" . It's simply amazing and yummilicious, especially best to dpped with the sesame blend dry chillies sauce. No matter the steam or fried version ;) I prefer the more vege MOMO compare the meaty MOMO. hehe...

Thanks to my Nepalese colleagues who prepared this for me ^^

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Cutie Eggmushi

Forgive me for being too outdated . This is my very first time saw an eggmushi in this way !! This is too cute !! Its really cute ! Hehe... 

This eggmushi is available at the Hi-Tea set at Kissaten. The most eyes catching one !! (At least to me la.. ) 

 Kissaten, Setia City Mall

* Photo was taken using HTC One S w/o editing nor filter.