Friday, August 5, 2011

PIG HEAD aka 猪头


第二天就变成酱了。。 :(
My eyes and face got swollen like a big fat pig!! huh.. alamak >.<"

This is the photo I took when the time I woke up... what a surprised!!!! >.<"
Are you ready??准备好了吗。。。huhh..=.="

I go to the same doctor again, and he told me I am allergic to Diclofenac Angioedema, apa ni?? haha.... anyway.. I know I cant take aspirin in future too.. Good sign XD

Time to lifting up my face after some great "expansion" for the pass 2 days.. tad dah ~~.... hahaha..... am "qian bian" :p

The End...

...Wu liao~ing...

1 comment:

SuwEi said...

oh u're allergic to the medicine,又被吓到。好了点吗。。